A swarm is nothing more that nature’s way of procreating the
species. This is triggered by the season, generally in spring. Although it can
also be set in motion when the host colony becomes overcrowded.
In either case the host colony makes several queen cells that will produce a
new queen. Then between 20 to 50% of the bees will leave with the host
queen to seek out a new home.
This is when they
show up in a cluster or “swarm” on a tree, your car, or on the side of your
house. There they will stay until the scout bees find them a new home. This may
be for only an hour, or it could take a week. But when they find a new home,
they all move in! Then the removal will become a “cut-out”.
A swarm is the
least invasive type of removal and can be done in a short time because
they have not moved in to a dwelling.
The name pretty much says it all. These are bees that have
already moved in to a dwelling and set up shop. They can get into a structure
with an opening no bigger than a pencil. At this point the colony will have to
be exposed and a complete removal of the bees as well as the comb, brood and
honey will need to be done. Leaving any comb, honey, etc. will invite
cockroaches, mice, rats and other vermin. In the months to come as the come the
comb and its contents will slowly melt and seep threw any drywall, paneling or
wood siding.
We realize that
whatever gets cut-out or removed will eventually have to be reinstalled. We
take great pride in the cutting part of the cut-out to do the least amount of damage
as possible. Sometimes the siding, wood, trim does not cooperate and is
damaged. We are not responsible for these damages. Please make arrangements
ahead of the removal as we do offer reconstruction service as a separate fee.
The trap-out is a “last resort” or “no other option” type of
removal. This is typically for bees that have gained access through a hole in
the tree. Not everybody wants to cut down their tree to remove the bees. The
same for a concrete block structure. We will not compromise the structural
integrity of a block building for a removal.
The way it works in
either case is to put a trap over the entrance that allows the bees to exit,
but not enter. Not knowing how to get back in the bees will congregate at the
base of the trap in mass. At that point they will either accept the hive box I
left for them or fly away to one of your neighbors house. This type of removal
can take up to two weeks. The hole is then sealed with silicone or cement and
unfortunately all comb will be entombed.